Detailed Information Pages

Step-by-step guides and detailed information on secure messaging apps for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux.

Note: This website is no longer updated and is for historical reference purposes only!

Here you can see links to the pages that will give you more detailed information about many of the messaging apps I have tried.

Apps Index  A complete list of all the apps reviewed on this site

EFF Guide  Select what features you want to see in a messenger and view the results

App Features Matrix  A chart with all the features of reviewed apps, which you can filter

No Trackers! Hall of Fame  Kudos to these Android apps which include zero tracking libraries

My Favorite Apps  Ratings and comments on my most highly recommended apps

Peer-to-Peer Apps  Detailed reviews of apps that connect peer-to-peer

Centralized Apps  Detailed reviews of apps that connect using a centralized server

Decentralized Apps  Detailed reviews of apps that connect in a decentralized way (mesh, federated, etc.)

Messaging Protocols  Detailed reviews of some messaging protocols that are commonly used by several apps

Rejected Apps List  See which apps are strongly not recommended

Other Websites and Resources  Links to other recommended reading and privacy oriented websites